Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's Done

the semester is almost over.. Kind of learnt and gained few things this semester in this class.. And kind of lost some things as well, you know what I mean.. Well, the test went well, and I think I've answered well enough.. Hopefully the scores are going to come out good as well.. By the way, I am doing the modules which I'm sending in on November 12.. Till next semester, adios!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Let's Watch!

Well, today is a happy day, for some, me especially because we get to watch videos which we made, pair by pair.. My video with Erma was first huhu! It looked good on the screen and the guys were clapping and making weird noises showing that they are happy with our video. And Pn Foziah said okay too!

But I'm sad too that some of us were not approved by Pn Foziah and told to come up with a new one. Kind of sad that it happens that way after such hard works mmmm

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

She's Angry, Again

She's sick today.. And some of us made her angry, including me hahaha.. I'm a bad student.. Sorry ma'am, hopefully you'll be okay again next week and get well soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Video Peep

It's time for some video tutorial! We were shown some video clips today. I think they were from our senior Cohort 3.. Few of them were quite good I must say.. There was one which entitled "Malaysians' Literacy Level" kind of very interesting.. It was basically about some Malaysians who deliberately disobey signs and even that is done just somewhere close to the sign. I have watched few similar videos on national TVs but at the end of the day, it's still the same thing being done over and over again. Kind of shameful for those people to be so 'literate'. :D
Ok, let's go back to the video topic. Well, I have made few videos myself in the past. I will show you one of them here.

This was actually done for my blog, back then when I have my own blog and I use the name "SAIFUL".. Watch it! :D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

She's Angry

Yup that's all I can say.. Pn Foziah is indeed mad today.. Maybe it's the rain I don't know.. Hopefully she'll be okay next week.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

They Said "No Music, No Life"

Well, you may have easily guessed the topic for this week.. Audio editing, of course! Pn Foziah presented (or played) some Korean songs to us.. I must say I cant appreciate the music as I (i think most of us) dont understand the lyrics.. Somehow I felt something was missing too today.. It's just a suggestion, it would be better (I think) if we are shown some methods or techniques to edit the audio files because some of us are still blurred even on how to download MP3, let alone auditing them. Hopefully she will huhuhu :D

This is my favourite all time song. BETTER MAN by ROBBIE WILLIAMS
I practically grow up with it. And my not-to-be-missed number everytime we went to Karoake hahaha :D Here's the lyric for you (if you never heard of it)
Send someone to love me I need to rest in arms Keep me safe from harm In pouring rain Give me endless summer Lord I fear the cold Feel I'm getting old Before my time As my soul heals the shame I will grow through this pain Lord I'm doing all I can To be a better man Go easy on my conscience 'Cause it's not my fault I know I've been taught To take the blame Rest assured my angels Will catch my tears Walk me out of here I'm in pain As my soul heals the shame I will grow through this pain Lord I'm doing all I can To be a better man Once you've found that lover You're homeward bound Love is all around Love is all around I know some have fallen On stony ground But Love is all around

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We watched some (or few) e-books today.. Kind of weird because they were all like 20years ago. The slide show reminded me to Windows 95 hahaha. The teachers who made it must be laughing too. The task for today is to come up with an e-book. I have my idea; the story is basically about birthday present. I'm going to do it on the holidays. Wait for me Bachok!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fire and Assignment

There was a fire drill today. Since I arrived quite early the technician told me that there will be fire drill and I will have to go down again afterwards. Hahaha, I love going up and down! At the drill, well, what can I say, we teachers talk quite a lot which results in attention level : ZERO. Of course it's important but rather boring. We've been watching the same thing since primary school. Up to them to change things though.

I guess this flyer is better than the drills, clearer maybe.
Then class resumes. Nothing much except we have new assignments! Hahaha! I'm not complaining, it's just sometimes everything seems too much. Just hope that in the wake of tinkerings about the assignments I wont be something like this baby :P

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Photoshop has done wonders to the world of photography. I have to admit, I'm Photoshop-illiterate. I know a little working with Paint, ACD, Picasa and Microsoft Office Picture Manager, but not Adobe Photoshop. Last time I did something with a picture. Since I was a fan of AYU OIAM and I have sort of started a social web for the fanclub (not sure if it still exist hahahha), so I have to do some picture editing of hers to be used as banner and such. Here's some of what I did...
By the way, if you guys are still interested with her, do join P/S: I'm not active anymore, and the spelling is correct, we purposely choose the "FAN-STATIC" as we wanted to be loyal fans (static), I guess the aim wasn't well achieved :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Give Thanks to Michael Jackson

Sorry Puan Foziah, but I think you're one of Michael Jackson's fans too hehhehe :D He was a great entertainer, without doubt, and I have to admit I like two of his bills; You're Not Alone and Heal the World. I found a cute picture of (not) MJ, made of legos.

So what MJ has got to do with the class? Well, she asked us to find out what was MJ's last song and download it. The song was "Give Thanks to Allah", which he recorded when he converted to Islam. The trick was, we have to print screen and explain each step we take in trying to download the mp3 file. Not just that, I heard we have to do the same thing with other internet skills too. So, let's get cracking!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wow! That's a lot!

I get a new group now, I must say I never really "work together" with them. Shakila (Kilod) was my class assistant last semester but then the others, well, I can't really remember when was the last time we worked together hahaha :D Never mind, it should be eye-opening right!
So, my group is tasked to do portfolio on audio editing.. Nothing too alien for me, but oh my G I was, can I say shocked, to see some thick (it's very very thick) portfolio done by the previous cohort. Huhu, so I browsed through and I realised it's not really as hard as it may seem. Audio editing for example, is not too alien, I've used this program named dB Poweramp Music converter (I think that's the name) to convert audio files and to edit them. But, it was really long time ago. I guess this is time to brush up old memories and learn latest stuff!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Loss at the U-Turn

The decision on PPSMI announced by the DPM yesterday was a shock and a sad one for me, at least. It seems after billions of ringgit and million of hours of training, meetings, courses and god knows what else, it will all be back to the old ways. As it's final and irreversible, there's no need for me to put up the case for PPSMI. I still believe that the problem was the implementation not the policy. Whatever it is, I accept the government's decision, anyway, it's what the "rakyat" wanted. At least I still have few months after my graduation to teach Mathematics in English.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A "New Start"

My second day here in University of Malaya. Doing my undergraduate for the third year and the fifth of my programme but little do I know about this place, this brand new environment. I'm catching up but i'm sure it's gonna be lots of fun. By the way, I'm opening this page as part of my course, PBEY3102 Using & Developing Resources for the ESL Classroom. Expect me to reflect on the course & my student life on general. So, welcome!

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. It's Muhammad Naqib b Ibrahim, fondly called as Naqib by friends. Kelantanese, born under the stars of Capricorn. See you!