Saturday, August 8, 2009


Photoshop has done wonders to the world of photography. I have to admit, I'm Photoshop-illiterate. I know a little working with Paint, ACD, Picasa and Microsoft Office Picture Manager, but not Adobe Photoshop. Last time I did something with a picture. Since I was a fan of AYU OIAM and I have sort of started a social web for the fanclub (not sure if it still exist hahahha), so I have to do some picture editing of hers to be used as banner and such. Here's some of what I did...
By the way, if you guys are still interested with her, do join P/S: I'm not active anymore, and the spelling is correct, we purposely choose the "FAN-STATIC" as we wanted to be loyal fans (static), I guess the aim wasn't well achieved :D

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