Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wow! That's a lot!

I get a new group now, I must say I never really "work together" with them. Shakila (Kilod) was my class assistant last semester but then the others, well, I can't really remember when was the last time we worked together hahaha :D Never mind, it should be eye-opening right!
So, my group is tasked to do portfolio on audio editing.. Nothing too alien for me, but oh my G I was, can I say shocked, to see some thick (it's very very thick) portfolio done by the previous cohort. Huhu, so I browsed through and I realised it's not really as hard as it may seem. Audio editing for example, is not too alien, I've used this program named dB Poweramp Music converter (I think that's the name) to convert audio files and to edit them. But, it was really long time ago. I guess this is time to brush up old memories and learn latest stuff!

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