Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Give Thanks to Michael Jackson

Sorry Puan Foziah, but I think you're one of Michael Jackson's fans too hehhehe :D He was a great entertainer, without doubt, and I have to admit I like two of his bills; You're Not Alone and Heal the World. I found a cute picture of (not) MJ, made of legos.

So what MJ has got to do with the class? Well, she asked us to find out what was MJ's last song and download it. The song was "Give Thanks to Allah", which he recorded when he converted to Islam. The trick was, we have to print screen and explain each step we take in trying to download the mp3 file. Not just that, I heard we have to do the same thing with other internet skills too. So, let's get cracking!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wow! That's a lot!

I get a new group now, I must say I never really "work together" with them. Shakila (Kilod) was my class assistant last semester but then the others, well, I can't really remember when was the last time we worked together hahaha :D Never mind, it should be eye-opening right!
So, my group is tasked to do portfolio on audio editing.. Nothing too alien for me, but oh my G I was, can I say shocked, to see some thick (it's very very thick) portfolio done by the previous cohort. Huhu, so I browsed through and I realised it's not really as hard as it may seem. Audio editing for example, is not too alien, I've used this program named dB Poweramp Music converter (I think that's the name) to convert audio files and to edit them. But, it was really long time ago. I guess this is time to brush up old memories and learn latest stuff!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Loss at the U-Turn

The decision on PPSMI announced by the DPM yesterday was a shock and a sad one for me, at least. It seems after billions of ringgit and million of hours of training, meetings, courses and god knows what else, it will all be back to the old ways. As it's final and irreversible, there's no need for me to put up the case for PPSMI. I still believe that the problem was the implementation not the policy. Whatever it is, I accept the government's decision, anyway, it's what the "rakyat" wanted. At least I still have few months after my graduation to teach Mathematics in English.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A "New Start"

My second day here in University of Malaya. Doing my undergraduate for the third year and the fifth of my programme but little do I know about this place, this brand new environment. I'm catching up but i'm sure it's gonna be lots of fun. By the way, I'm opening this page as part of my course, PBEY3102 Using & Developing Resources for the ESL Classroom. Expect me to reflect on the course & my student life on general. So, welcome!

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. It's Muhammad Naqib b Ibrahim, fondly called as Naqib by friends. Kelantanese, born under the stars of Capricorn. See you!