Tuesday, September 15, 2009

She's Angry, Again

She's sick today.. And some of us made her angry, including me hahaha.. I'm a bad student.. Sorry ma'am, hopefully you'll be okay again next week and get well soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Video Peep

It's time for some video tutorial! We were shown some video clips today. I think they were from our senior Cohort 3.. Few of them were quite good I must say.. There was one which entitled "Malaysians' Literacy Level" kind of very interesting.. It was basically about some Malaysians who deliberately disobey signs and even that is done just somewhere close to the sign. I have watched few similar videos on national TVs but at the end of the day, it's still the same thing being done over and over again. Kind of shameful for those people to be so 'literate'. :D
Ok, let's go back to the video topic. Well, I have made few videos myself in the past. I will show you one of them here.

This was actually done for my blog, back then when I have my own blog and I use the name "SAIFUL".. Watch it! :D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

She's Angry

Yup that's all I can say.. Pn Foziah is indeed mad today.. Maybe it's the rain I don't know.. Hopefully she'll be okay next week.